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Gro(o)ters family from Winterswijk
General bits and pieces of information
On the names |
The names GROOTERS and GROTERS are failrly common in the Netherlands,
Belgium and the North of France. However, it does not necessarily mean a
relationship. |
In the Netherlands alone, there are several families named GROOTERS
that do not have an immediate family connection. It is know that around 1600
the name occurs in Utrecht, and the name is found in the Eastern part in
several locations: Around Den Ham, Haaksbergen and Winterswijk. The name is
also found in Belgium, without any conection to any Dutch GROOTERS family, in
the area's where the Dutch-related Flemish language is spoken. This area once
stretchews well int Northern France - up to what is now known as Normandie. It
is also in that region that the name is found. |
During time, people moved. That makes the name travels with their
holders, and therefore the name GROOTERS is found in different parts of the
world. |
The name GROTERS can be a name by itself - but as has been found, a
different way of writing the name GROOTERS - and vice versa. Depending on the
civil servant writing down the names. Sometimes, GROOTERS and GROTERS are
interchangeble, some evidence is found in the reserach of this name. The same might be with the names GROTES and GROOTES, but no
proof has been found sofar for this error. |
On naming |
In the Eastern (Saxon) areas of the Netherlands it has been a habit since ages - into the midst of the 20th century anyway - to
name people basiaclly after the farm they lived on, especially when for a
longer period and when the person was considered less important. That is why
Harmen Slotboom, the main tenant of the Grooters farm in Henxel, was primairily
know by his real name, but his servant Rutger Tushuizen could be known as
"Rutger Grooters" |
This changed, at least officially, in Napolean times. Napoleon
introduced the Civil Register in all countries where he ruled. It wasn't
entirely new, the Western privinces had already a kind of register, but in
these parts registration has always been a matter of clergery: you'll find most
of the data in church records - and in legal documents. Any search before the
time of civil registration is hazy - and the more you get back in time, the
more obscure the finds will be. |
That's why ancerstry seems to become more and more deduction and
guesswork, when you get deeper in the time. For this research, lines could be
traces as back as far as about 1650, and there it stops, aince data to race
back even further is hard to locate - if it exsits |
But even in more recent times, you can run into strange problems. What
to think of naming a child "GROTERS" where the father's name is written
"GROOTERS" - or otherwise. It happened... And for one occasion, the name of the
farm was used for the children of a GROOTERS living on a farm named GOSSINK.
That is wgere GOSSINK really is a GROOTERS decsendant! |
Hopefully future genealogical reserch will be less duifficult due the
the modern electronic handling |
On sources and language |
Since the base of this name is Dutch (Saxon dialect), it will be no
surprise that the Dutch investigations and results thereof are mainly in Dutch.
The information I reveived from cousins in the US is obviously in English. I am
well aware that This may be confusing, and I should try to do some
translations. However, time is scarce and there is so much to do apart from
that, so I will do a translation from Dutch into English only when reqested.