Thanks to the contributors |
Mr. L. E. Grooters (US) - who triggerred investigations and supplied USA data
on his branch of the family. |
Mr. R. Broekhuizen (NL) - who supplied the main data for the web.His
grandmother's name was GROOTERS - but unrelated |
Mr. J.H. Wisman (NL) - who shared the results of his (hugh) investigations on
the family tree. His grandmother's maiden name was GROTERS |
Mrs. S. M. Biddle (US) - who supplied USA data on her branch of the family. Her
maidenname is GROOTERS. |
Mrs. N. U. Decker (US) - who supplied USA data on her branch of the family. Her
husband is a GROTERS descendant. |
Mr. H. J. M. Wijers (NL) - who supplied enhancements. |
Mrs. I. Groters - who supplied enhancements. |